Camera-ready Submission Guidelines
To prepare camera-ready manuscript (8-20 pages), please follow the LNCS instructions that can be found here. Apart from the requirements listed in the LNCS Author Guideline, please pay attention to authors' names and affiliation. If one author has contributed to more than one paper, his or her name should be spelt and structured in an identical manner in all papers.
To submit your manuscript, please prepare 3 directories with the following information.
- SOURCE: final source files, including figures and any non-standard fonts.
- PDF: final PDF file corresponding exactly to the final source files.
- COPYRIGHT: copyright form. The copyright form shall be downloaded, filled, printed, signed by one author on behalf of all of the authors of the paper and scanned. No digital signatures are acceptabe.
These directories shall be zipped in a single file (*.zip) and uploaded to the EDAS server.
Please note that to be included in the proceedings, each accepted paper shall be covered by a FULL or BASIC registration before May 14.