Session: 4G and beyond
Delay and Loss Due to Uplink Packet Scheduling in LTE Network
Alia Asheralieva, Kaushik Mahata, Jamil Y. Khan
Abstract: In this paper we describe the packet scheduling process and investigate the reasons limiting the medium access control (MAC) layer capacity of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution (3GPP LTE) network. We show that although a scheduling process allows to assign dedicated channels to the users based on their quality of service (QoS) requirements, it introduces the additional delay in the uplink channel. We also show that the scheduling delay may increase significantly if some certain parameters of the system are not set appropriately, and suggest alternative approaches to reduce the scheduling delay in LTE network. Obtained analytical expressions of the packet scheduling delay and loss have been verified using simulation model developed in OPNET platform. Results of this work can be used for resource allocation, packet scheduling and network planning to establish the upper bounds on delay and loss for the users with strict QoS requirements.
Distributed Adaptive Interference Control in 4G Small Cell Networks
Evgeni Bikov, Stanislav Elizarov
Abstract: Recently small cell networks have gained significant attention. Providing considerable capacity gain such systems bring heavy resource competition as well as mutual interference between multiple cells. In this paper we propose a distributed solution for interference control tailored for the use within small cell networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of path loss difference for characterizing the need to divide resources between small cells in a non-uniform deployment scenario. We show the possibility of flexible transition between different interference control policies and demonstrate the presence of an optimum parameter values for which the performance of the users experiencing poor channel conditions is growing without compromising overall network throughput. We compare our solution with the basic resource control approaches and discuss the possibilities to enhance it in order to achieve fairness of resource distribution accurately.
Smart Cities Software: Customized Messages for Mobile Subscribers
Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Dmitry Namiot
Abstract: This paper introduces a new way of delivering local messages to mobile subscribers. Our application presents a mashup from passive monitoring for smart phones and cloud-based messaging for mobile operational systems. Passive monitoring can detect the presence of mobile phones without active participation from the users. It does not require prior calibration, nor does it require mobile users to mark their own location on social networks (like traditional check-ins). Mobile users do not need to run location track applications on their phones the. At the same time, a production-based expert system built around cloud messaging allows interested parties to directly deliver their custom information to mobile users in proximity.